We continue to offer the work that we do in service of others, as one of our goals is to make well being and healing as accessible as possible. In order to honour the energy and effort of all those who offer themselves whole heartedly, we are accepting donations that would support us in continuing to do what we do. You can make an offering to any or all of the initiatives. If you would like to ask questions or be clear about something before you make a donation, please reach out to us.
BLR Wellbeing Community
BLR Well being community is an initiative that aims to foster a sense of community with the idea that healing happens in togetherness and not in isolation. To live this idea, we organise gatherings once a month in Cubbon Park which are led by practitioners of different disciplines in the space of well being. These gatherings are in the spirit of service and we do not charge any fixed price for them. However, we do accept donations purely on the capacity of the people who come for these gatherings. All the money goes to the facilitators who lead the gathering and in reimbursing any material cost that we may have incurred. Our choice of Cubbon Park is to also bring people closer to Nature as being in a natural surrounding amplifies the feeling of togetherness in the circle and plays an integral role in bringing presence and a sense of quiet reflection.
Current co-weavers: Siddharth Lakshman, Karuna Jenkins, Vijay Chaudhary, Sahil Raina
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The Shamanic Journey
The Shamanic journey is a vision led by Sahil to bring a 100 people together to experience what is called a “Shamanic Journey”. The purpose of this gathering is to feel our connection to the Earth and realise the interconnected web of life that we are a part of. Many attendees have felt a sense of deep joy upon experiencing the shamanic journey, some of them have healed from pain and traumas that they have been carrying for a long time, some have experienced the sense of loss that all of us carry, of separating from the Earth. The effect of the journey is felt in many different ways and is a deeply transformative experience.
This entire event is an offering from our hearts and we have a “Pay as you wish model”. Our vision for the future is to bring this to many cities and organise multiple events across the country hoping to connect many more people to their hearts and play our role in the elevation of our collective consciousness.
We are accepting donations for the organising, hosting and travel costs that would be involved in planning multiple events like this across the country.
Current weavers: Sahil Raina, Vishnu Nair, Harsha Pandey
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Serving Those In Need
We have a vibrant community of sensitised and informed individuals, who are constantly offering themselves in different ways to their communities. Some of us do it in the form of free healing sessions, some of us offer financial support to those in need, some of us do it by donating clothes/food/materials to those in need. A lot of the help and support that is currently being offered, is being done so in isolation. Our intention is to bring together all of these efforts and help create a corpus of funds that could be used in supporting all the diverse ways in which our community is offering themselves for the betterment of humanity.
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Shrine to honour Ancestral Spirits
India has had a very old tradition of land reverence. This responsibility was handed to certain groups of people who’s ancestral purpose became to protect the land and appease the local spirits/deities and guardians of the land. There is one such deity that the Adivasi people of the Palani hills, in a valley close to Kodaikanal, are connected to. This valley is called “Elephant Valley”.
In one of his journeys connecting to this land, Sahil encountered this mountain spirit and had a vision of a temple that existed in the past. The mountain spirit told him of how people of this land used to come together and make offerings to the land. This birthed the idea of building a shrine to honour the ancestral spirit while serving the purpose of bringing people together once again. We currently have the architectural plans for the shrine ready and are working to raise enough funds to build it. If you would like to know more about it or see the plans, feel free to reach out. People responsible: Sahil, Creslyn, Karuna
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